Kidnapper. Kidnappers start appearing after killing Blood-starved Beast (in Old Yharnam), and one is at the bottom of the straight stairs in Cathedral Ward.
To get here, you must be killed by aHypogean Gaol is an optionally accessible part of an end-game area called Yahar'gul, Unseen Village. You only have access to a small part of it (and with less dangerous enemies), until Blood Moon. It can be worth visiting: the Kidnappers near the lamp drop Twin Shards and 1500 blood echoes each, and the one-directional shortcut doors you can now open will let you exit the church safely during Blood Moon. Also, encountering Darkbeast Paarl turns Djura back in Old Yharnam non-hostile, letting you talk to him.
Lower cells
The area where you wake up, including the downstairs.
Note ("Madmen toil")
Just outside the cell that you wake up in.
Go all the way up the circular stairs from the basement.
Hypogean Gaol
Note ("Nightmarish rituals")
Next to the lamp.
On the lower circling staircase, on the right (facing the church from the lamp).
Moon (+10%)
Note ("Behold!")
Maneater Boar patrols.
At the top of the large stairs that theExit the church, turn left and go along the wall towards the back of the church.
Church back door
In the lowered alcove off the side of the street.
Upper cells back entrance
Exit the church through the front door, turn right and go along the wall to the back of the church.
Door to the upper cells
In the upper cells under the chapel, go through the hole in the wall in the back.
Encountering Paarl lets you talk to Djura back in Old Yharnam, see Djura (non-hostile) for details.
Graveyard of the Darkbeast