Final Fantasy IV Checklist

Mount Ordeals 🗺️

:w This is your last chance to level up Cecil to level 25 for the "Deep into Darkness" achievement. Once you finish Mount Ordeals, it will no longer be possible until next playthrough.


Summit has a Save Point.

    Placeholder: /CheckItem


      Placeholder: /CheckItem Placeholder: /CheckItem Placeholder: /CheckItem

      5 Antidotes

    Placeholder: /CheckItem

    Trail: 3 Hi-Potions

    Placeholder: /CheckItem


      Placeholder: /CheckItem Placeholder: /CheckItem Placeholder: /CheckItem


    Placeholder: /CheckItem

    Summit: Red Fang

    Placeholder: /CheckItem Placeholder: /CheckItem Placeholder: /CheckItem Placeholder: /CheckItem

    : Everywhere except Summit.

    Placeholder: /CheckItem

    : Entrance and Crossing.

    Placeholder: /CheckItem

    : Entrance & Trail.

    Placeholder: /CheckItem

    : Crossing & Summit.

    Placeholder: /CheckItem

    : Crossing & Summit.



    Placeholder: /CheckItem
    Placeholder: /CheckItem

    Uneqip Cecil before touching the altar.

After completion

    Placeholder: /CheckItem

    Crossing: Curse augment

    Give to Porom.

    : Shimmering spot on the right edge about halfway through the area.

Mist revisited


The weapon shop sells Dancing Dagger, a weapon that casts a non-elemental offensive spell when used in battle.

    Placeholder: /CheckItem

    : Bush northeast of the inn.

    Placeholder: /CheckItem

    : Small clearing through a hidden path in the trees, south of the shops.

Northwest building
    Placeholder: /CheckItem

    : Enter the fireplace to find a hidden path leading to the secret room.

    Placeholder: /CheckItem

    : Another secret room south of the previous one.

Baron (Town) revisited

    Placeholder: /CheckItem

    Required to unlock the weapon & armor shop, and the Ancient Waterway entrance.

    : Inn, upstairs.

    Placeholder: /CheckItem

    Namingway (Jammingway)

    : In the weapon shop.

    Placeholder: /CheckItem

    $2000, Zeus's Wrath

    : Weapon shop, secret passage in the bottom right corner.

    Placeholder: /CheckItem


    : Ancient Waterway entrance, secret passage.

Ancient Waterway 🗺️


There's a Save Point on B1.


Baron Castle revisited


You can still rest in Cecil's Room in West Tower - 3F.

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    Placeholder: /CheckItem

    Uneqip Porom and Palom before entering the throne room.

    Placeholder: /CheckItem

After Cagnazzo

East Tower