

Part 1

Everything up to and including the windmill.

Village approach

The sloped area in front of the village gate.

In the house in front of the wood gate.

Oil pool

Elongated pool of oil, populated by Rotted Corpses and with villagers throwing Molotov Cocktails from above. Connects the village with the windmill.

You can reach here by either going past the large pit (away from the village), or by going up the slope on the left of the village gate, making your way onto the rooftops and dropping down in the middle of the pool. The latter allows you to take out the villagers throwing Molotov Cocktails, allowing you to traverse the oil pool safely.

Shortcut passage

Coming from the village, on the right near the end of the pool.

Back gate


ℹ️Connecting the end of the oil pool with the village.


The stretch of wood houses with a lit gate at the one end and a large, plank-covered pit at the other.

In the house with the closed door next to the gate, you have to go around and enter through a hole in the back wall.


Rafters & roof

Enter the windmill, and go around to another doorway (without going downstairs). Drop down and then climb the ladder to reach the rafters. Crossing over the gears will lead to the facade roof.

Drop down the cogs.

After windmill

Exit the windmill, cross the bridge and go up the slope on the right.



ℹ️Connects this area with the shack in the starting area.

Shack gate


ℹ️Opens a path between the starting lamp and the elevator that takes you to the second part of the woods.


Agree to join The League.

"The League exists"


After crushing 1 Vermin

To acquire Vermin, you must be online and co-op with other players while having Impurity rune equipped. The only way to gain them offline is by killing certain hunters in the DLC, but there are only 3 of those, so acquiring all 5 vermin requires two playthroughs.

Reload the area.

League Oath


Part 2

Everything after exiting the windmill / coming down the shortcut elevator from the lamp.

Right side

Everything on the right side of the main cobblestone path.

Go up the slope on the right side at the start of the of the main path. You will have to jump over a small gap.

Up the slope

Go off the right side of the path between the crimson-lit gravestones and the burning horse carcass and follow the slope going up, guarded by a Great Snake Ball.

Left side

On the left side of the main cobblestone path.

Turn left off the path at the burning horse carcass, and go up the slope.


Turn left off the path at the burning horse carcass, and jump across the narrow gap on the right side of the upward slope.